
David Tin™ 算哪根蔥!?

.David Tin™

一個全然自我為中心的領域.這裡是最遼闊無際的空間.讓你進入我所營造的深邃迷濛音樂旅程.這是一種相當極致的聽覺享受!在這裡.思想.在不設限的廣角中.奔馳!踏著Jazz隨性的節奏.緩慢游移於Downtempo中.恣意在Trip-Hop裡獨享抽象氛圍.這種氛圍...足以建構出屬於你個人的 Urban Chic Music Space.在這裡.渾然天成就是個聽音樂的地方.而這裡是我極微小卻極度重要的立足點!從這裡.你可以看到一個男孩是否精采.而我.可以知道我自己活得是否精采!

2 意見:

Ivan Liaw 提到...

Im Ivan, from Malaysia. Ur blog is GREAT!!!!
can i ask u something?
im jz starts to blog months ago...
how do u manage to promote ur blog??
Pls reply me ok.
thanks alot..

David Tin™ 提到...

oh...Ivan!thanks!I am flattered!

Wow!you come from Malaysia !!!
I from Pescadores,Taiwan.

that's serendipity for us...
nice to meet you :)

speaking of blog...UR blog is nice.
actually,I think if ur blog is looked around,
and it can make someone feel good..
It is important to promote ur blog.
I pointed out something for ur referring to.
ex:Background music, content, connectivity,
interface especially.

good luck :)

David Tin Specials